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Topics > In Gambo
Stories about our time with our friends in Gambo...

Posted on: 2003-05-04 09:41:45 (read: 1176 times)
In Gambomoose1 writes: "Hey All:

Without being offensive to some I was just wondering if this site has become a fundraising site for our Gambo folks? Yes, I am from and do live in Gambo but I am really appaulled by the requests that have come to this site in last year asking for donations. I feel that it is degrading, you all don't owe us anything, it was due to unfortunate circumstances that you all were here. Your visit to our town has been well paid for by the many memories and friendships that have been created. I was one of the fortunate ones that have been blessed by such. If this happened tomorrow to some other people we would do the same thing, even if it was all of you again, we would welcome anyone with open arms, not expecting anything in return, so please Newfies don't use this site as a means to aquire monetery gifts for things that your organization needs. From my understanding this site was established to keep in touch, not requesting donations.


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Gambo Volunteer Fire Department
Posted on: 2003-04-29 02:48:51 (read: 1534 times)
In Gambogambovolunteerfirede writes: "Dear friends

First of all we would like to bid you all a fond hello and sincerely hope that each and everyone is doing well. While it was unfortunate that such tragic circumstances brought us together, we also remember that we were given the opportunity to meet and be in the company of some truly wonderful people who enriched our lives and made us all better individuals.

Our Members are in the process of organizing a major fund raiser, to enable us to purchase a much needed Fire Truck and Rescue Truck for our Department and Community. These two major pieces of equipment are fundamental when responding to a fire. The cost of these purchases will be in excess of $ 120,000.00 Canadian dollars. We hope to achieve this goal by the year 2008 as our existing Fire Truck will be deemed obsolete by that time and replacement will be a requirement and our existing Equipment Truck is not reliable at this point. While we deeply regret having to reach out to you in this way, at this time, our means to raise funds of this amount, have left us no choice but to explore all avenues that will help us reach our goal. We want you to be assured that we are seeking no obligation from you but if you can help us it would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or wish to inquire, please feel free to contact us at the following emailgambo_vol_fire_dept@hotmail.com. All inquiries will be promptly answered.

Again we sincerely apologize for having to approach you regarding this request because we feel you have already given us more than we could possible ask for. The opportunity to be able to pull together as a community and work in unity. For that we are truly grateful and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Thank you and fondest Regards

TheGambo Volunteer Fire Department

Gambo, Newfoundland


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The video
Posted on: 2002-10-07 04:21:22 (read: 1775 times)
In GamboAnonymous writes: "Hi folks

OK, you can get the 2 hour video taken by Fred Brown from Fred at

Fred Brown
PO Box 114

Phone for details 709-674-4964

Don't forget there're two and half hours in front of us.

One other thing to remember. The video format up there is the same as the US. So any Brits will have to get it converted to UK format.

I don't know how much it is. I got mine for free, if you don't count the cost of air fares and accommodation.:-)

Take care, be happy


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Update on fund raising
Posted on: 2002-10-03 03:09:43 (read: 1191 times)
In Gambobobsmithuk writes: "Hi folks Had another email from Roland giving more details about what there're trying to buy. His email is below.

Nearly finished War and peace.... "

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Roland needs you
Posted on: 2002-09-29 15:11:21 (read: 1260 times)
In GamboAnonymous writes: "Hi folks

Here’s a chance for everyone who didn’t get the letter asking for donations to the new piano to get the same warm fuzzy feeling those of us who did get the letter got by helping out by making a small, (or large) donation"

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I'm here
Posted on: 2002-09-15 11:02:52 (read: 1044 times)
In GamboAnonymous writes: "Hi everyone.

Found a computer at our hotel.

Just wanted to tell you I've got enough pictures and stuff to write about that I may well build another site to house it all. It's Sunday and we're getting ready to go to the Sally Army morning service."

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Going back
Posted on: 2002-08-20 15:11:38 (read: 908 times)
In Gambobobsmith writes: "Hi folks, it's Bob, the Brit with a beard and a camera.

I’m going/coming back. On Sept 11th my wife, daughter and I will be flying to Gander, arriving 12.06am Sept 12th. We’ll be coming home on the 16th. Just like last year, only this time, voluntarily. I have to say that last years trip was much more direct. This year we leave US and go to Toronto, to Halifax, to Deer park and finally Gander. Just over 14 hours in all. And the only airline going on that date is Air Canada. It would be really good if any other 929er is going to be there then."

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Plaque in memory of Sept 11, 2001
Posted on: 2002-08-09 09:30:23 (read: 685 times)
In GamboVee writes: "Just thought I'd let everyone who was in Gambo know that

during our Smallwood Days Festival (Aug 1 - 5, 2002) a

plaque was dedicated "In memory of the people who died in the September 11th 2001 terrorist attack " Dedicated by the Town of Gambo.

And is now located at the Village Green in Gambo,. Anyone who was

at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Gambo would know where this is.

Anyone wanting to see a photo of it could contact me at:


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Gambo Smallwood Days Festival - memorial plaque
Posted on: 2002-08-08 12:16:07 (read: 720 times)
In GamboAnonymous writes: "During our Smallwood Days Festival which took place from Aug 2 - Aug 5, 2002, a plaque in memory of the Sept 11, 2001 terrorist attack was dedicated by the Town of Gambo and placed on the Village Green in Gambo. During the same ceremony plaques were presented to the Churches - Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. George's Anglican Church, Emanuel United Church, Salvation Army, also to Smallwood Academy, Gambo Fire Dept, Society of United Fishermen (SUF), for their dedicated service and outstanding volunteerism during the days that people were stranded in Gambo, Newfoundland. Just thought I would relay this bit of news to you.


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Hi everyone
Posted on: 2002-03-16 14:44:13 (read: 441 times)
In Gambotina writes: "This the Collins from Gambo: Olive, Christa, Shana, and Tina.

I just want to let people know that we are thinking about you, it was really nice to meet you. I also want to post my e-mail address so if anyone want to e-mail us they can at tina.collins@nf.sympatico.ca

Well that's all for now, look forward to hearing from you..


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Bronze Commemorative Plaque
Posted on: 2002-03-11 15:37:03 (read: 582 times)
In GamboMGJack writes: "UA929...Theresa reported to me that the bronze plaque was unveiled at a ceremony on Sunday Februaury, 24 at the church. The ceremony also celebrated Theresa's return from two weeks of service at ground zero. The plaque is placed on the exterior wall next to the front doors.

Jack Kahler"

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Hoddly stick
Posted on: 2002-01-25 03:39:52 (read: 743 times)
In GamboAnonymous writes: "
I'm from St. John's and have lived in the states myself for 5 years, so I am used to people not picking up exactly what I say due to our apparent accents (irish/english/scottish, etc), so I had to smile when I saw hoddly stick. "

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Jack's Plaque
Posted on: 2001-12-12 06:58:13 (read: 494 times)
In Gambomedicinewoman-eileen writes: "Dear Jack,

Believe it or not, just 3 months have passed from that tragic september day. Feels like a lifetime away. Your unbelievably appropriate and fitting gesture of establishing a lasting reminder to the wonderful people of Gambo for their kindness, help, friendship and love is wonderful. Thank you.

Merry Christmas.

With fond thoughts


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Motion Picture Filmed In Newfoundland
Posted on: 2001-12-04 11:56:22 (read: 963 times)
In GamboAnonymous writes: "I hope it is ok for those who maintain this site, that I share this information with the people who frequent here.

It is not related to the Sept. 11/01 grounding of flights incident but it may be of interest to those who would like to see a little more of Newfoundland, albeit in a motion picture format."

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A Plaque in Gambo
Posted on: 2001-11-23 08:02:51 (read: 931 times)
In GamboI had an email from Jack Kahler (from Littleton, Colorado) this morning. He has had a bronze plaque commissioned on behalf of all of us. He sent me a picture of what it will look like.

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New Found Friends - A Poem
Posted on: 2001-11-11 22:31:25 (read: 717 times)
In GamboLester writes: "New Found Friends

by Lester Green"

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The Gambo Anthem - its rightful place
Posted on: 2001-11-08 11:31:48 (read: 524 times)
In GamboI've created a permanent page (rather than a news article) for Julian's song and the recording.

It's in the menu on the left as The Gambo Anthem.


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The UA929 Anthem - 'Waiting for a Plane'
Posted on: 2001-11-01 06:32:40 (read: 851 times)
In GamboA nice big padded envelope arrived in the post this morning, in it was an article from Julian's local newspaper, a letter and a CD!! Yes - it's arrived!!

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Great photo of planes at the Gander Airport on 9-11-01
Posted on: 2001-10-12 04:13:13 (read: 1042 times)
In Gambosteve writes: "If you go to the below link it will bring you to a great photo of our planes at Gander on 9-11-01. It takes a while to download but worth it. Scroll across at the bottom and it will give you the wide angle shot. I believe United 929 is off to the left in the middle of the stack.


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Thank you from Amanda
Posted on: 2001-10-09 21:15:34 (read: 758 times)
In GamboLester writes: "Amanda and myself would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you that purchased a copy of her book Secrets Among Children. We would also like to thank Bob Smith, Steve Cercone, and Cathy Weimer for their kind words about Amanda's book.

Lester and Amanda Green"

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Posted on: 2001-10-08 19:29:30 (read: 1171 times)
In GamboAnonymous writes: "It seems that most of the comments I read on this site are from the "gambo strandees".

Well, I would like to say hi to those who read this page and let you know that we, the people of The Salvation Army in Gambo, have not forgotten you. Our lives have been changed tremendously because of your unexpected visit with us and I must say that it has been for the good."

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CBC Radio & Gambo
Posted on: 2001-10-04 18:12:38 (read: 703 times)
In GamboI received the attached email today from the Air France AF004 folks - who received it from CBC Radio, Gander. If anyone feels brave - or hankers after Newfoundland fame you may want to ring Trellawny. I know the time may have passed now, but who knows.

I emailed him (her?) anyway -- I'm too shy to be interviewed for radio :-). Hopefully Gambo'll get a mention - maybe the website will get a mention too - who knows?

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Second Generation
Posted on: 2001-10-03 23:12:23 (read: 708 times)
In Gambobobsmith writes: "Do you remember the 14 year old girl brought in by .......... can't remember his name, selling her book."

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Gambo Salvation Army Bank Details
Posted on: 2001-09-28 20:00:23 (read: 697 times)
In GamboThe following is the information for people to use if they are looking for bank information. You can go to any bank anywhere in the world to make this deposit, you will need the following information....

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Posted on: 2001-09-27 10:51:38 (read: 570 times)
In GamboCathy writes: "Does anyone have the address to order the video of our stay? I believe it was posted on the message board at the Salvation Army and I never got around to writing it down. I would love to have it. Also, if anyone has a picture of the double rainbow from Saturday night I would love to see that in the "gallery".

Thanks much!!!

Cathy Weimer"

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The Final Hours
Posted on: 2001-09-24 21:30:24 (read: 824 times)
In Gamboicamp writes: "For our friends from UA929 thought you might like to read this email composed during our return from Gambo to Chicago and onwards:

Dear Family and Friends...."

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Please post your photos!
Posted on: 2001-09-24 20:34:29 (read: 556 times)
In GamboKara writes: "Hi All, I hope you're settling back into your regular routine and finding some good people to share your time with at home. Unfortunately, my role of Gambo film was overexposed at some point and I do not have ANY photos of the whole experience. Please post yours on the site so we can all share in the fun memories. Thanks so much! Kara"

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Posted on: 2001-09-24 19:40:43 (read: 800 times)
In GamboAnonymous writes: "Hi everyone this is Theresa and I when I came to work this morning and sat at the desk, I picked up my "Timeless Truths for Daily Living" by Max Lucado and the writing for today made me think of all you people who were on the flight UA929. I really would like to share it with everyone."

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Home Sweet Home
Posted on: 2001-09-23 21:21:43 (read: 728 times)
In Gambogibbo writes: "Hi 929, sorry I'm late getting on to the system but Anne & I ( treasurer) and Linda would just like to say a great big thank you to one & all for making our time together such a memorable one.

We made more friends on this mystery tour than the one we should have been on..."

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It's me Janice, the one who made the announcements:
Posted on: 2001-09-21 06:14:52 (read: 900 times)
In GamboAnonymous writes: "How is everyone doing? We miss you all very much. Many wonderful friends have been made during your stay here. It was quite an extraordinary week but it was a fun week also. After all, just think about the entertainment that we had, Julian and the boys! I guess he will have a second band to fall back on in his retirement years. Ha! One of the most amazing happenings of the week to me was the fact that everyone came together in unison and strength, especially the short lived administration from the 929 team. I tip my hat to all of you guys. What a tremendous effort and cooperation!! Do you all agree?

Anyway, I wrote a poem about the tragedy and I wanted to share it with you dear friends:"

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Julian's Song List
Posted on: 2001-09-19 13:27:32 (read: 824 times)
In GamboJulian's incredible memory and talent with the guitar resulted in three evening's entertainment, and no repeats!! With one exception, of course, the UA929 Anthem - Waiting for a Plane

Listed here are all the songs he sang - with varying levels of help from the audience...

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The UA929 Anthem - Waiting for a Plane
Posted on: 2001-09-19 12:27:44 (read: 1122 times)
In GamboWith sincere love and gratitude to the amazing people of Gambo, NF,apologies to Jimmie Rodgers, and good wishes to all the passengers and crew of UA 929.

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