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GTE Airfone charges
Contributed by Gretchen on: Monday 22 October @ 15:10:33
I was disgusted when I reviewed my credit card statement and saw over $200 in charges for 16 minutes of phone calls from the plane. I came to the website first thing this morning to see if anyone had encountered the same issue and got some advice from one of the responses I had seen. I took that advice and emailed GTE this morning about my dissatisfaction, and within THREE HOURS had two communications from their company, the final of which stated that they would remove the charges from my bill. So, don't get too mad, they are being more than fair and resonable if you fully explain the situation. Just take a few minutes and send them an email. I bet they'll help.
"GTE Airfone charges" | Login/Create Account | 4 comments |
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Re: GTE Airfone charges by: Cindy on: Friday 02 November @ 08:15:23
Re: GTE Airfone charges by: Anonymous on: Thursday 08 November @ 10:47:47