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Welcome to
 This site is dedicated to the memory of those who lost their lives following the terrorist attack on the USA.
WWW.UA929.ORG is a number of things; a tribute, a celebration, a thankyou, and most of all a community. It is a place to come to remember, to share and to grow for the unique group of people who were : UA929 in Gambo.
The starting point was when a Boeing 777 (United Airlines Flight 929) carrying over 200 people was diverted to Gander International Airport, Newfoundland, on the morning of September 11th 2001.
We were one of the hundreds of aircraft on their way to North America when the horrific 'Attack on America' took place in New York and Washington.
This site is a Thank You! to all those hundreds of people who have helped us, and hopefully a community which will allow us to continue the story of lives which were thrust together in tragic circumstances, but which are stronger and more precious as a result.
5 Years!!
Posted on: Sunday 17 September @ 12:24:19 (read: 1339 times)
kelly writes: "Hi Everyone,
I can't believe it's been soooo long. Sometimes it feels like it was yesterday then at other times 100 years ago. Do you ever wonder if it's changed people or have we already forgotten? When it first happened I couldn't even imagine how life would ever be the same. How would we react to our families when we got home from Gambo or to the stranger on the street? Would we love more or be more forgiving? Would we be scared of the dark or of strangers?
No, I'm not scared of the dark or of strangers. Yes, I think we all loved eachother more then time started to make people forget.
Do you ever wonder if our flight was the next to go? Perhaps the terrorists got scared and decided UA929 wasn't going to go down. Would we have fought so hard to keep our plane from hitting the White House or some other famous place like that? Yes, when I think back to all of us on UA929 I think we would have.
My husband and I watched a special last night on 9/11 and the fire fighters. It brought back so many memories and made me think about all of you. Where are you now? What are you doing? I hope your all safe and happy.
Think about eachother. In some small way we've touched each others lives and thank God we are all safe. Remember those that aren't...
I miss you all and hope you sleep well tonight. Our U.S. Troops are sacrificing for your freedom and safety. God Bless You All.
Kelly Russell
I carried my pillow around...."
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5 Years On
Posted on: Sunday 17 September @ 12:23:42 (read: 1159 times)
Anonymous writes: "Hi All
Today is a date I will never forget nor will I ever forget the friends made in Gambo or the kindness of everyone who helped all the stranded passengers on that fateful day. I hope everyone is well and looking forward although awful things are still happening.
I am still travelling and visiting other parts of the world whenever I can. Would love to hear from anyone at any time.
Another reunion would be great.
Linda P"
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Where are we all now??
Posted on: Monday 17 April @ 09:08:31 (read: 10486 times)
Kelly writes: "Hi Everyone,
I know it's been ages but I thought I'd write to say I've thought of everyone often and looking back at the UK Reunion I started to miss my UA929 friends as well as the crew. What is everyone doing?
Doug and I have moved back to the U.S. He is flying SAR - Search and Rescue helicopters for the U.S. Navy and is the Executive Officer of NAS Fallon in Nevada. For those who don't know anything about NAS Fallon, which is pretty much everyone, this is where our American Gov't trains their fighter pilots. We are out in the middle of the desert which is quite a change from London that's for sure.
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4 years and counting
Posted on: Monday 12 September @ 03:04:14 (read: 1485 times)
Anonymous writes: "Hi all
Glad you're still here Monty. And thanks to Craig for the site.
Hope anyone still visiting is OK. Still think of all of you often.
Take care, be happy
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4 years
Posted on: Sunday 11 September @ 16:20:04 (read: 1477 times)
This site is here to remember and keep in touch with all those friends: fellow passengers, crew and Gambo citizens.
Hello friends, I hope all of you are well. Take care.
Thanks Craig, for keeping the site alive!
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