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IMPORTANT NOTICE - Now on Facebook
The website is (for various technical reasons) frozen in time. All new discussion and photos etc will be on our Facebook page. Why not join us there?
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If you have any pictures of recent reunions, or if you get stuck, or are unsure about anything, just send an email to, and one of our happy band of administrators will be happy to help.
Caption Competition
| A suggestion was made to have a caption competition for some of the many photographs which have been posted in the gallery - so here we go...
|  | Number 1
The first picture -- picked at random by the traditional method of closing my eyes and pointing at a jumbled list -- came from Carol Mayne.
The suggestions for captions can be seen with the original article.
The Winning line -- paraphrased from Monty is:-
Monty: "Julian, how about singing this six-page early medieval version of the Dutch National anthem?"
|  | Number 2
This picture came from Iain Campbell - and shows Lawence doing.. well - you decide..
You can enter a suggestion during the next week by reading the article and adding a comment.