How can I help?
Well - firstly, you're encouraged to create an account - then you'll be a fully paid up member (not that it costs anything, of course). To do this, click on 'Create One' in the LOGIN box on the left.
You can still go ahead and submit information even if you don't have an account.
Submit News allows you to submit an article to the website - you choose which section you want it to appear in, and the content of the information, and it will be appear in the right section when published.
Read Articles allows you to read and comment on all the news that other people have left - you can browse through all the separate topics. Feel free to add comments to articles - you will need to be a registered user for this, though.
There is a (currently short) list of links to other relevant websites available in Web Links. Please suggest any new ones you find on your travels around the information superhighway. Thanks.
There is a Gallery which contains pictures grouped in albums. For the time being, pictures will be uploaded to the gallery by an administrator, so email them to the webmaster. This may changed in the future.
You can use My Information to enter your full name and any other details about yourself - including changing your password to something useable.