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Greetings from Natasha!!!!!!! :) :)
Contributed by Anonymous on: Friday 28 September @ 23:54:17
Hello everyone!
Well, I was out of town to visit some friends and I came back and this website has really taken off! My mom and I were just sitting at the computer and looking at all the new articles and new pictures!
I must thank Iain and Julia for the amazing letter! I was reading it out loud to my mom and we both started to cry! Day by day we get more news that is not good! It is sad to say that I will be gone very shortly like the next 2-3 weeks as it looks right now! Write those letters to United! I beleive in Miracles :)!
My love and my life are being taken away and it breaks my heart! Only time will tell! Get on the PLANE and go travel ya'll! Pass it around to all family and friends! It has never been safer remember! This will save the jobs of many employees if people would go about there business and life!
Remember that all of you are very special and I miss everyone very much! Please keep in touch and feel free to email me at
P.S. I will be checking in on the website as well! My mom also thanks all of you for being so good to me! Have a great day Y'ALL!!!!
Hugs and Kisses:) Natasha
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