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Friendships and memories
Contributed by Anonymous on: Sunday 07 April @ 07:04:49
Hi To All You Wonderful People:
It has been almost seven months since you have been here and many people are still talking and sharing stories about so many of you, as individuals, as well as a group of very wonderful people because many of you have chosen to stay in touch with your new found friends.
We all have had such a wonderful experience, with unique friendships made and memories shared. To see so many Nationalities walking our streets in those few days was truly amazing.
Although, it makes me very sad that our lives were blessed with great memories, while so many lives were taken and families destroyed. I feel very grateful to have had the opportunity to meet some very special people who have touched my life in a very special way.
Memory is a gift of God and our memories of you all will be a precious treasure that we will cherish and in years to come say to each other remember when all the UA929 PASSENGERS arrived in our small town.
Thinking of you all
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