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Favours returned
Contributed by Anonymous on: Tuesday 26 March @ 15:57:45
Not only did Canadians help out travellers. Sunshine Dreams For Kids- a not for profit organization in Canada - that grants dreams to special children between the ages of 3 - 19 who are dealing with severe physical handicaps or terminal illnesses received some American hospitality on Sept 11. Unknown to Sunshine a dreamlift of 90 kids and volunteers, and medical staff left London Ontario bound for Disney World in Florida. They only found out about the terrorist attack after they had landed and airports closed. For the next 3 days the wonderful people in Orlando - the sheriff's department, Wal Mart TJ Max and many others made life bearable for all involved. A huge undertaking at a time when their hearts and prayers were with their fellow Americans but they had time, hearts and helping hands for our Kids. Thank you - is this not what neighbours do for neighbours?
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